If you missed April’s post check it out here .

Bob dropped a little weight in May. In April he weighed 1832, and for June he comes in at 1819 grams. Not a dramatic weight loss, and is probably due to a few bathroom trips, but something to monitor, that’s for sure!
Fat Girl

Fat Girl gained a little bit this month. For April she was 1120 grams, and for May she came back up to 1335 grams! Maybe she’ll get to the 1500 gram mark one of these days!

Jane was 4150 when we gave up on the breeding season in April. For May she lost a little weight and dropped down to 4114 grams. Once again, not a huge weight loss, but definitely something to monitor.
Little Man

This must be the month for loss, because aside from Fat Girl, Little Man is the next to lose weight in May. For April he weighed 1050 grams, and for May he comes in at 1016 grams.

In April, Mary weighed 1260. She continues her normal trend and weighs 1487 grams in May. She really is going to be a big girl!

Medusa lost a little weight in May as well. For April she was 2323 grams. For May, she is 2317 grams. Nothing to worry about, she probably just went to the bathroom a little extra this month.

This was Molly’s first weighing with us here at T&A, and she starts off at a whopping 91 grams! She’s so tiny!

Norma didn’t disappoint, she put on some weight in May! For April she was 549 grams. For May she shot all the way up to 655 grams!

Pablo was not immune to the weight loss trend this month. In April he was 2050 grams. For May he weighed 1933 grams. Guess everyone went to the bathroom a lot in the end of April!

PeeWee and Medusa continue their weight race.Peewee is still a little behind at 2198 grams. She also lost some weight since the last weighing!

This was Stretch’s month to pack it on! She started out at 398 grams in April. For May however, she weighs 553 grams! She’s still growing length wise too, wonder how long and big she’ll get?