About Us

Who is T&A Exotics?
Well, it is 2 people (Taylor And Amanda), 2 blind people who thought it would be interesting to keep exotic pets.

Taylor happened to choose a Ball Python for the first pet (Fat Girl),

then shortly after that, Amanda brought home the first Boa (Peewee).

Then, it sort of snow balled from there.

One thing Taylor noticed about keeping a snake as a pet, there was a lot of “How Tos”, and “How to Keep” guides on the internet, but all this was for regular sighted folks, obviously.

Usually before getting something of this magnitude, standard procedure is to search the web for what things can be changed to help make things easier for blind folks to do what ever it is that needs to be done.
Taylor wasn’t sure what, if anything would be made harder without sight. Luckily it turns out that not a lot of sight is needed for keeping pet snakes. 🙂

It would have been nice to find a site like the one we hope to create here, that would guide a new snake owner to know what is needed.

Check out Our Collection, to see what all we have in our snake room.

now we are attempting to breed some of our animals so be sure to keep an eye on our Blog to see how that is going.