normally you wouldn’t want to move your snakes right at breeding season, but that is exactly what we did. So, if you usually don’t want to do that, then why are you? You might ask… We at T&A are expecting a baby of our own in December. So, we now need a room for a…
It’s October, that means we are only about a month or two away from breeding season! This is the critical weight gain time for a couple members of the gang!
If you missed July’s weighings, check it out here. Bob Updated pic of Bob, an IMG Ghost Boa In June Bob was 1905 grams! He didn’t do anything spectacular in July, so for August he came in at 1997 grams! A definite improvement. Hopefully he’ll gain just a tad more before breeding season! Fat Girl…
If you missed June’s weighings, check it out here. Bob 3 year old IMG Hypo Anery Boa Constrictor Bob came in at 1940 grams for June. He changed his clothes near the end of June, and as a result lost a little weight. For July he came in at 1905 grams. Time to feed him…
If you missed May’s post check it out here . Bob 3 year old IMG Hypo Anery Boa Constrictor In May Bob weighed 1819 grams. Before weighing him in June, he put on new clothes. For June he came in at 1940 grams. A nice improvement. Fat Girl A Hypo Ball Python Fat Girl weighed…